Tru Pro Painting is your trusted partner for all your painting needs. Our team of expert painters has years of experience in providing high-quality painting services for both residential and commercial properties. We use the latest techniques and tools to ensure that your property looks its very best.
We understand that budget is a concern for many of our clients. That's why we offer affordable pricing for our painting services. We work with you to provide a solution that fits your budget without compromising on quality.
At Tru Pro Painting , we believe in providing excellent customer service. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that our clients are happy with the end result. We listen to your needs and requirements and work with you to provide a solution that meets your expectations.
We offer FREE ESTIMATES for all our painting services. Call or Text us TODAY for a free estimate! 614-886-5626
Power washing your home before getting it painted or soft washing after it's been a while can considerably save you THOUSANDS of dollars over the lifespan of your home ownership!
We can paint your ; Siding, brick, block, concrete, wood, vinyl, gutters, downspouts, windows, deck, porches, floors, doors and more! Feel free to request a free estimate today!
Painting the inside of your home not only helps the surfaces be more washable BUT improves your mood, atmosphere and overall aesthetic value. We can paint your ceilings, walls, crown molding, baseboards, door frames, built ins, book cases, cabinetry, basements, floors and more!
Did you know painting your kitchen cabinets historically increases the value of your home? It also makes them look AMAZING and WASHABLE! We only use industry leading equipment, spray shop and eco-friendly primers and paints that allow for the smoothest finishes. Our cabinet painting division leads the way in long lasting and beautiful results!
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All Painting Services
614-886-5626 text or call today!
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